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Work in an 'urban farm'

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Work in an 'urban farm'

woensdag 31 januari 2024 - dinsdag 31 december 2024

Phood Farm

Phood Farm groeit duurzame groentes in haar binnen- en buiten farm in zuidoost Eindhoven. Samen met buurtgenoten én jongvolwassenen die zelf ook willen groeien.

Tongelre Onderwijs en educatie
Ik heb interesse

Waar hebben wij hulp bij nodig?

Help us in our urban farm where we grow vegetables as sustainably and locally as possible for our customers, both indoors (under pink light) and outdoors. Activities include sowing and maintaining plants (microgreens, mushrooms, a range of field vegetables), kitchen tasks (fermenting, processing our own products, making staff lunch) and maintaining hygiene (cleaning). We are looking for people who, in addition to these practical activities, also want to grow and develop themselves.

Wat vragen wij?

* Willingness to develop and learn about our ways of food production and processing (experience is certainly not necessary)
* Desire to develop yourself, together with like-minded people
* Number of hours is flexible and we can discuss this together when we meet.

Wat hebben wij jou te bieden?

Phood Farm offers a warm and pleasant workplace, where you are seen and heard. You will have access to very affordable local vegetables and other healthy products prepared in-house and a group of great colleagues. We also offer guidance when something extra is needed (such as individual or group discussions, or just some extra work guidance where necessary).

Ik heb interesse