Do you want to volunteer?
Check our app Jijdoet040, you can download it in Google Play or the Appstore.
You’ll find a lot of vacancies, most of them in Dutch. While many vacancies listed in our database require fluency in Dutch, some organizations welcome volunteers who speak English. Just contact them to find out!
Volunteering in Eindhoven is fun and the options are various.
Download the app
Play Store or App Store or scan the QR code
Why should you volunteer?
Volunteering is not only done to mean something to others or to society. It is also fun for yourself because you get to know new people, you can learn something new, you can develop your talents, you remain meaningful and active and you can use your knowledge and skills.
Sorts of volunteer work
There is volunteer work in all shapes and sizes. From a day of volunteering to being busy for a week; from doing one job to doing multiple jobs at the same time; from simple to hard; from volunteer work by yourself to volunteer work with all your colleagues and friends.
What suits you?
Do you want to do volunteer work, but don’t you know what you like? Download this handy tool and discover step by step what your preferences are.
You can find the nicest vacancies on the app jijdoet040 or on our volunteer work database.
Do you see a nice vacancy, but are you still in doubt? Just call the organisation for more information. The contact details can be found in the vacancy. You can always make an appointment for an informal talk.
Make a good agreement
There are a lot of possibilities, so you can always share your preferences. Make a good agreement with the organisation you are working for.
Can you volunteer?
Sure you can! If you are not allowed to have a paid job in the Netherlands, then the organization that you’ll join needs to apply for a volunteer declaration at UWV. They can get more info about that at Eindhoven Doet.
Other than that, all talents are greatly appreciated at the organizations, so yours as well!
Passe partout for volunteers
Volunteers are valuable to society. The municipality of Eindhoven would like to thank them extra for their efforts, with a passe-partout Anyone who volunteers in Eindhoven can get the advantageous swimming pass-partout. With this you get a big discount on swimming at the Ottenbad and Tongelreep.
Do you volunteer at an organization in Eindhoven and have not used the offer before, request the voucher using the form below.
If we have all this information, we will send you the voucher as soon as possible.
You can hand in the completed voucher during your visit at the cash desk of Ir. Ottenbad and National Swimming Center De Tongelreep on presentation of your city pass. Your city pass can only be activated if it has a current passport photo. You can then immediately go for a swim. Afterwards, you can pick up your activated city pass again.